Every time I use AVI2DVD it takes over 24 hours to convert. I'm doing it right now. I started process just under 13 hours ago and HCEnc is converting at 2 fps with another 13 hours to go.
I'm converting from and to an external hard drive as I only have a small capacity internal hard drive.
I've got a pentium 3 processor. I only have 4 gb free space on my internal hard drive so I convert it onto my external hard drive (150gb) through a high speed usb port. I've got 384 mb ram.
Its an avi file (divx) file I'm trying to convert about 700 mb big.
Pentium 3 with only 384MB of memory is not a good system for converting purposes but it sholud be faster than 2 fps. Check if you have any other programs running in background which may consume processor's time and disable them.
Using that external drive is also going to slow you down also. If you're not too concerned about the quality of your output choose the faster settings for whichever encoder you're using in step 3 - as recommended by trustfm try FreeEnc with 1 pass.