1 Introduction

Well... i already know a lot of people having problems selling their digital products online (me included!).
A lot of them are using tricky ways like mailing e-books to customers or sending 'secret' download pages. Others, are using third part companies like payloadz and they are paying a lot of money to them in order to keep safe their digital products. This is going to change by reading this e-book. You will have a website that is going to do all this hard work for you and specially for free. You will understand all the tricks of PayPal and you will be able to optimise your selling website. The solution shown here is valid for any kind of digital product that can be zipped. We will cover only zip files since all the digital products can be zipped. Please notice that even if you have a single file to sell it is highly recommended to zip it since the buyer must unzip it and by doing that the digital integration of the product is guaranteed. If the downloaded zip file is corrupted it simply won't open.

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