Simple File Gallery - Documentation
A webserver with PHP 5.2+ support.
Any web hosting server support Simple File Gallery.
PHP 5.2+ is the only requirement.
Notice that MySQL, or any other DB is not required.
SSL is reccomended but it is also optional.
Installation :
Just Unzip the file and using any FTP client (like FileZilla) upload all the files at your server.
Simple File Gallery is pretty easy to configure. Just open the "Settings.php" file located at the root of the zip file with any text editor.
$pass set your admin password. The default password is admin
$hideFileskey set your random alphanumeric string that makes your files private.
Ex : $hideFileskey = "kwxLLR7KkSQLVjUd";
PUBLIC: filename.jpg -> HIDDEN: filenamekwxLLR7KkSQLVjUd.jpg
$Languages = array(array("EN","en_US"), array("IT","it_IT"), array("GR", "el_GR"));
This sets the array of your translations.
The strong part of the array("EN","en_US") is the shown name on the Languages menu.
The other part is the locale part.
In order to find a new locale language code just go to :
For example French language has the locale code "fr_FR".
Set $Languages = array(array("EN","en_US"), array("IT","it_IT"), array("GR", "el_GR"), array("FR","fr_FR"));
In order to translate in French Simple-File-Gallery just copy the
folder and rename the cloned folder as:
Using poedit or any other gettext application open the
Do the translation and hit the save button in order to generate the
_libs\multilanguage\locale\fr_FR\LC_MESSAGES\ file
$DefaultLanguage = "en_US"; Sets the default language to English
$ShowLanguagesMenu = true; Show the Language-Change menu.
$TitlePrefix = __("Simple File Gallery"); Notice the __("") allows you to translate the double quoted string.
$Description = __("Simple File Gallery made By TrustFm");
$Keywords = __("file, gallery, image, video, audio, files");
$TitleGalleryPrefix = __("File Gallery");
$GridColumns = 4; Set the grid columns of your gallery. 3 or 4 is the best option.
$GridMaxWidth = "1800px"; Set the max grid width. Examples : 1000px or 90%
$GridMinWidth = "600px"; If lower than this value -> display cells in single column (responsiveness option)
$ThumbsCrop = false; Crop the thumbnails. Default value: false
$ThumbsMaxWidth = 400; Maximum width of the thumbnails in px
$ThumbsMaxHeight = 300; Maximum height of the thumbnails in px
$VideoMaxWidth = 400; Maximum video thumbnail width
$VideoMaxHeight = 225; Maximum video thumbnail height. Recommendation : $VideoMaxWidth*(16/9).
$VideoPreload = "none";
Possible values:
auto : browser loads the entire video when the page loads
metadata : browser should load only metadata when the page loads
none : browser should NOT load the video when the page loads [recommended option]
$VideoTimeSnapshot = 10;Take a snapshot at 10sec from the beginning. If the video is shorter takes a snapshot at 0sec.
$AllowedAudioExtensions = array("3gpp", "mp3", "oga", "ogg", "wav"); HTML5 embeded audio formats
$AllowedFileExtensions = array("7z", "avi", "mkv", "pdf", "txt", "zip");
$AllowedImageExtensions = array("gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "png");
$AllowedVideoExtensions = array("mov", "mp4", "ogv", "webm"); HTML5 embeded video formats
From the Allowed files it is recommended to leave them as is except the $AllowedFileExtensions.
In this category the files are treated as simple download links (no embeded HTML5 option).
If you want to support rar files for example do like this :
$AllowedFileExtensions = array("7z", "avi", "mkv", "pdf", "rar", "txt", "zip");
If you want to add a rar icon, you have to add "rar.png" image at "_libs\images\"
$EnableGroupBy = true; if false -> simple file alphabetic order, if true GroupBy from Groups array below :
$Groups = array("Video", "Image", "Audio", "File"); Possible values "Video", "Image", "Audio", "File".
Notice that this array is ordered, so by changing the order you change the view order of the groups.
Usage :
The admin can:
- Create a new Gallery
- Upload files
- Hide a Gallery (Private Gallery)
- Show a Gallery (Public gallery)
- Generate thumbnails from selected videos
- Rename Gallery
- Delete files
- Delete Gallery
The users can:
- Navigate at public Galleries
- See public files
- Share public files
- Download public files
Simple-File-Gallery - Italian demo