8.2.1 Create a vector image
Generating a logo or an image it is almost always better to use a vector utility like inkscape, since we will not be limited about it's dimensions, so we can resize it at our needs. Run inskcape and draw a blue rectangle with the rectangle tool. Make the corners rounded with the 'Edit paths by nodes' tool. Figure fig:68fig:68 Inkscape Round Rectange
Now we will draw a star over the rectangle using the start tool of inkscape. Use the triangle attributes to make the star look better. Figure fig:69
fig:69 Inkscape Star
With the text tool write the string 'NEW!!!' and rotate it.
Export the file in png by by clicking 'File' - 'Export Bitmap'. At filename put something like image.png. Png images are generally preferred because they have excellent transparency options and they are lightweight so it is a great web solution. Some people still consider png unappropriate for the web i do not agree at all. All the new web browsers have png support and it is totally free to use instead of jpeg that does not support transparency. For more informations take a look at : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Network_Graphics .