Desktop Zoomer Support

Read the following FAQ :
Q: Is Desktop Zoomer Windows Vista and Windows 7 compatible ?
A: Yes
Q: Is Desktop Zoomer Windows 8compatible ?
A: Yes with the Windows 8 mode checked
Q: Why Desktop Zoomer disables aero on Windows 7 / Vista ?
A: On the "Under glass" mode if the aero is active then Desktop Zoomer will keep magnifying intermittently since can "see itself". (Mirror effect).
On all others modes aero will remain enabled (if it is enabled).
Q: Some translucent windows and widgets are invisible under the lens
A: Again try to use a mode that keeps aero enabled. (Do not use under glass).
Q: Full screen is supported ?
A: Yes (in under glass mode)
Q: I want to increase the mouse pointer too. Is this possible ?
A: Yes. Try using the yellow/white/black arrow options. These options give to you the "size" option.
Q: The registered version has more options ?
A: No. If you do not like the trial do not buy the product.
Rethinking... the unregistered version is Mistoklas enabled.
Someone could think that this is a missing feature for the full version!
Q: Is Desktop Zoomer Screen2Avi compatible ?
A: No. Screen2Avi can not "record" Desktop Zoomer. Screen2avi PRO does this.
Q: Is Desktop Zoomer multi language ?
A: Yes but since i am a single programmer i have translated it to only Greek/English/Italian languages for now. Please read the next question.
Q: I bought Desktop Zoomer, can i upgrade it for free ?
A: If you bought the 1.XX version you can do all the minor upgrades free of charge.
In the future for major upgrades (like 2.XX) you have to re-register the product.
Usually major upgrades (1.1 - 2.1 ...) are less frequent than the minor upgrades (1.1 - 1.11 - 1.2 ...)
Q: Where can i get news for the Desktop Zoomer ?
A: For news please visit the Desktop Zoomer Forum.
Pay attention at the announcements.
The latest version will be always located at download page
Q: I can not register Desktop Zoomer.
A: Both registration name and key are case sensitive.
Q: Launching Desktop Zoomer i get a hotkey error and the alert window does not goes off.
A: Press the X button instead of the OK button.
Now use different hotkeys in order to avoid this warning.
Q: Can i buy Desktop Zoomer with less that 14$ ?
A: If you translate Desktop Zoomer into a new language then i will refund you.
Yes that's right ! If you translate Desktop Zoomer you can get it for free.
In order to translate Desktop Zoomer proceed like this :
Into the "DesktopZoomer\locale\en\LC_MESSAGES" folder you will find a "default.po" file.
This is an empty translation file.
Copy that file.
Go to "DesktopZoomer\locale\it\LC_MESSAGES" and rename the "default.po" & "" located there into "defaultIT.po" & ""
Paste the copied empty translated file "default.po"
Download poedit or any other po editor.
Poedit is free and crossplatform.
Once installed poedit open the "DesktopZoomer\locale\it\LC_MESSAGES\default.po" file.
Start translating the strings like the photo below :
Now load Desktop Zoomer and change to the italian language.
You should get your translated language and not the italian one.
Keep in mind the spaces (Example : " profile")
Watch out for long strings (Might be cropped)
Once you have translated correctly the po file email us the translation ("default.po" & "" file) at the e-mail address :
If you haven't purchased Desktop Zoomer you can buy it an then i will refund you.
If you already have paid the license i will refund you as well.
Your name will be added on the about box of Desktop Zoomer.

We use the captcha in order to avoid spam.

with a valid subject.
Emails without subjects or stuff like "HELP !!!" will be ignored/deleted immediately.

We get daily a huge amount of fake requests (more than 100) on our forums.
So it is rather probable to not be accepted from our manual registration system.
Contact us in order to activate a "forum account" requesting only your user name.
Provide a valid email address so we can email back to you your activated account.
We will generate an account for you with a password generated by us.
After logging you can change your password for security reasons.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Desktop Zoomer Forum