Font2OpenSCAD - Download

Please read the disclaimer before downloading Font2OpenSCAD. By downloading Font2OpenSCAD you agree to the following legal disclaimer.

Requirements and Disclaimer :
I [author] do not take any responsibilities for any possible software or hardware damages.
The author is not responsible for any data loss.
Although the author will attempt to find and correct any bugs is under no obligation to provide support, service, corrections, or upgrades to Font2OpenSCAD.
Font2OpenSCAD is provided AS IS without any guarantees or warranty.

Distribution : If you want to distribute Font2OpenSCAD you have to contact with the author. Generally for free web distribution only a back link to website is required. For paid distributions under physical supports like CDs, DVDs etc a fixed 5 cents fee per sale is required.
Copy : You can copy for personal and commercial (internal) use the execute file.
Commercial use : Font2OpenSCAD can be used for commercial purposes if you do not charge the executable application.
Modify : You can not modify the released version. Again use the contact email if you really need this option (For example : program translation).
Integration : The integration with another product should be decided from case to case, for this reason you have to contact with the author.
For any problems do not hesitate to write directly to our forums.
Before Downloading :

Download Font2OpenSCAD Version 1.1 from:

OneDrive Latest Win version
Instructions : Direct download link offered by OneDrive

Google Drive Latest Win version
Instructions : Direct download from our Google Drive

pCloud Latest Win version
Instructions : Download link offered by pCloud

OneDrive Get source code of ttf2dxf
Instructions : Direct download link offered by OneDrive.

Google Drive Get source code of ttf2dxf
Instructions : Direct link offered by Google Drive

pCloud Get source code of ttf2dxf
Instructions : Hit the download button into the next page. Service offered by pCloud.

Clarifications and Explanations :
Q: Is there any direct download link ?
A: No there is not. We are using cloud services like Google drive and Microsoft's OneDrive
The external download services are pretty decent.
Q: How can i trust you that the applications are safe ?
A: Here are the logs of the scans made by VirusTotal/Jotti :
Font2OpenSCAD ver 1.1 @ VirusTotal
Font2OpenSCAD ver 1.1 @ Jotti
Notice that if you get "problems" always think twice (there are a LOT of false positives cases).
For example we see from jotti a false positive on Claim AV.
From the official forum of ClaimWin we see :

Please turn off PUA detection, and do not use it again. It is broken!

PUA detection (Potentially Unwanted Applications) is for detecting files that are packed with packers used by malware or tools that could be used by malware (such as keyloggers, remote admin tools, some scripts, etc.). The problem is that both malware and "good" programs can use the same packers. Many "good" websites also use java scripts and other scripts that are put in your temporary internet folder that will be detected as PUA files. Many businesses use remote administration tools as well.

Since PUA detection is optionally selected by the user, Clam AV (Clam AV furnishes its scan engine and virus signatures to ClamWin) does not make any adjustment to its PUA signatures. The PUA.Win32.Packer detections will detect many, many, many, many, many, many, good programs. If you use PUA detection with quarantine, it will quarantine important files in error, and you will not be able to restore them--because it will also quarantine the ClamWin quarantine restore program!

Use ClamWin to detect real viruses--not PUA.
One last time... Do not use PUA detection. It is broken!

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