STLBatch - Official page

Latest Version : 1.2

About :
STLBatch converts a group of STL files into gcode.
This is helpful if you want to slice STL files using new settings like temperature or other material settings.
Can be used with Slic3r or cura Version: 15.04.6 .
Works Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 on 32 and 64bit computers.
Working at CookieCuttersLab project we soon realized that we had the need of mass re-slicing a lot of STL files at once using new settings.
STLBatch is a small portable application without any secret installers.
Comes with usable Slic3r and cura profiles but you can also make your owns.

Before downloading STLBatch take a look at the online documentation.
Use our forums for support.

STLBatch main form

Changelog :
Version 1.2 :
Public release with better user interface

Version 1.1 :
Second private release.

Version 1.0 :
First private release.

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